ICMLAI-2025 provides leading forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the fields of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Accordingly , Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Robustness in ML and Chat bots
Democratized and Ethics of AI
Image and Speech Recognition
Neural Networks and Recurrent Networks
Networking Protocols, Routing, Algorithms
Deep Learning and Computational Intelligence
Natural Language Processing
Grid, Mobile and Evolutionary Computing
Dynamical and Generative Models
Adaptive Automation in Engineering using Intelligence
Transfer and Ensemble Learning
Biomedical Engineering
Signal Processing and Control Algorithms
Algorithms, Network Processing, Sensor and Bluetooth Networks
Safe Computing and Cyber Intelligence
Data mining and Network Security
AI and Robotics in Space Exploration
Surgical Robot Theory and Application
Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences: Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical and Health Care